“Death Away from Home” The death of a loved one is challenging enough without the added burden of arranging to return his or her body home from another country, city or state. When a family member dies abroad, making arrangements...
“Death Away from Home” The death of a loved one is challenging enough without the added burden of arranging to return his or her body home from another country, city or state. When a family member dies abroad, making arrangements...
Laid Off New To Medicare “Hello, Stephanie—I’m 66 and was intending to work until 70. I was recently laid off from my employer due to the Coronavirus epidemic. I’m no longer going to have health insurance through my employer,...
Will Medicare Cover Covid-19 “Stephanie—You recently signed me up for Medicare supplement insurance and I need to know if I get sick with coronavirus will my Medicare plan cover me? Thanks—Sam from Sugar Land” Hello,...
Funeral Home Coronavirus (Covid-19) Rules With guidance from government officials, the funeral industry is taking added precautions with regards to Covid-19. Funerals and viewings have been limited to no more than ten people at any given time....
Hello Stephanie—My parents passed away several years ago. I’ve been trying to sell my parents’ burial plots for the last couple of years. Now, I’ve finally found a buyer interested in the cemetery property. To my surprise...
Stephanie—I’m scheduled to have cataract surgery next month. To my surprise, my doctor’s office is telling me that Medicare is not going to cover my procedure. I’m so confused. I enrolled into Medicare Part B and into a...
2020 is here. New year, new decade. As you resolve to do better by cutting back on this, going cold turkey on that, consider taking the time to weigh in on that last big milestone. No, we’re not talking about your wedding or...
Snowbirds and Traveling Seniors: Know Your Insurance Before Hitting the Road! Many folks turning 65 don’t know their options when first enrolling with Medicare. Unfortunately, with so many plans offered in the market, picking a plan can...
In 1984, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) enforced the provisions of the “Funeral Industry Practices” law, which governs the sale of funeral goods and services in the United States. Usually referred to as the “Funeral...
Hi Stephanie, I’m a veteran on TriCare and I’m not sure I want to continue to go to the VA hospital for medical coverage. I’m currently 72 years old and I recently went to the Social Security office to apply for Medicare. To my...